Greetings Current and Prospective Parents!
What a joy it is to partner together in Christian education! While we journey together in a world that is broken, we recognize that without Christ, there is no hope. Our prayer is that we actively engage with students and equip them to lean into the promises and truth of God’s Word.
Amid all of life’s uncertainties, His Word alone is always true, and always reliable! We believe in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We study His Word. We strive to live His will. We know we are sinners saved by grace. We teach about God’s perfect love, which was Him sending His Son to die for each of us.
This is what Heart Cry Christian Academy is all about. Teaching students what it looks like to love God, love people, think wisely, work hard with grit and perseverance, and live a life that glorifies God.
Is the journey easy? No, there are hills and valleys, but we are on this journey together. We value you as parents because you are the students’ first and best teachers. You guide them, encourage them, instill a love for learning in them, practice with them and then provide us with important knowledge about your children so that we can offer individual skills and unique tools for each child to become all that God created them to be.
Thank you for embracing Christian education. We look forward to partnering together with you in Christ!
Lisa VanCamp